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Friday, September 7, 2007


I just noticed that I haven't posted a thing since last weekend - - - I meant to... I just didn't get to it... sheeesh. Where did this week go?? Oh yeah, Monday was a holiday and Tuesday I spent catching up on stuff around the house after travelling to Montana. Wednesday...more laundry and catching up on returning phone calls. Thursday, yesterday, I had a hair appointment and so I ran other errands as well. We just had a HUGE grand opening of a really large chain grocery store in our little town of Bennett. I think I've had to find a reason to go there EVERYDAY since it opened...and I HATE shopping - but the fact that we now have a decent place to shop is just beyond AWESOME!! We had a little local place and it was fine but it was sorta grungy and the produce was not the best - it's kinda sad to drive by and see zero patrons. You can just guess that the little old gals inside are just sorta standing around and bitchin' about the new store opening... maybe if they HAD a personality and didn't make it so miserable to go there. In fact, Mike came home on a couple of occasions and had stopped by there for an item or two and he'd say - "geez, are those gals EVER happy at Bennett Supers?? It just sucks to have to go there." So, after a quick haircut and getting caught up on the "salon gossip" I went to the new grocery store and walked the place filling the cart with a few things. It took me over an hour to get through the whole place - AND I forgot to mention that our new store HAS A STARBUCKS!! I took my new Starbucks cup in there - - Terri Howard brought it to me from California - - THANKS!! I had coffee and wandered through the whole place "learning" where to locate stuff. I back-tracked a couple of times but it wasn't bad. Our produce department there is so big that we could hold a scrapbooking function there and not really be in anyone's way.

Enough about my excitement about the new store - - - today I went to my boys' school and helped both of their teachers grade papers and hang out and see what kind of class rooms the boys are in. YIKES!! Nick's class is handful for his teacher and what's worse - it's her first year as a teacher. I REALLY felt sorry for her. She's got a really rowdy bunch. A.J. class is pretty good - you could tell it was Friday!! Then the boys and I went - TO THE NEW STORE!! and bought ice cream!! Well, I got a Starbucks, they got little pints of ice cream. Well, I guess I'd better get back in gear and finish my cards for a swap that I'm in...I can't wait to mail them off. I look forward to seeing the results of this VERY creative swap. We swapped cards in round one and then made enough of our own design so that each participant makes a card with the paper and returns a card to the creator of the paper - I'll post when we get them all swapped out and have received the green light that it's okay to share my fellow swapper's work.

Enjoy the weekend!!

1 comment:

mE said...


What's the NEW STORE????

Do share!!!
