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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Is there a soul on this planet who's truly caught up on laundry??? I feel like the moment I get everything I can find washed...there's a hidden pile SOMEWHERE - lurking and waiting to say, "hi!! You missed looking here!! Ha-Ha-haaaaaaaaaa..."

I stripped beds and pulled towels and then found a new batch of stuff that I needed to wash!! AND it's minutes to noon - what the heck?!?!?

Tonight I get to go meet up with Abby for dinner and then we're going to "Dream Dinners" to make a month's worth of dinners...I love that place - it takes the "what to make for dinner??" so much easier!! And you can't beat a night out with a great friend!!

I've cleaned the fish tanks - not a small task - it only took two hours!! We have a 50 gallon tank with Oscars, Blood Parrots, and Jack Dempsys, oh, and a Plecostemus... I was worried about having my arm nibbled on because these fish are finally at the size that the boys feed them live fish! Turns out they were more afraid of the blue sponge. The other tank is my Beta, Newman. His tank only took a few minutes.

So, what did you do today??


Unknown said...

ROFLOL Well I guess the trick is to keep that blue sponge handy huh!

Unknown said...

dream dinners.... do that have that in Canada? Man I could use that here!